We are together for quite a long time already. We know how
valuable experience youth exchange can be. So, it is highest time to meet with
young people in Lubelskie region of Poland to share what we are doing. Thanks
to it in near future next young people will participate in international youth
Association HEureka Generator cooperates with Secondary and
Elementary Schools. We were very excited to visit one of them, to see daily
school life of Polish youngsters and to tell them how they can be active on
international and local level.
We split into 5 international groups and spent 45 min on 5
different lessons. It was not so difficult to prepare for this event. We used
games from our first days and also we were talking in English about ‘Time is on
our side’, Erasmus+ programme and our hobbies.
We would like to thank to C.K. Norwid Secondary School for
this opportunity. It was very cool part of our youth exchange ;-)