The last day of our youth exchange was a little bit more
lazy than the previous ones. Unfortunately, we had to start to pack our bags.
Our day began with a breakfast and little energizer and then we talked about
dissemination – how we can advertise the project and Erasmus+ in general among
our friends and in our local communities. Every person had to declare how he or
she wants to do it. Then we thought about competences – what we learned during
this project (and we learned a lot!). After the lunch, Polish team prepared
evaluation of the exchange and it was quite unusual. We spent one hour walking
in silence, writing (and even painting) our thoughts and impressions about the
project. In the evening, we had bonfire and farewell party. We revealed secret
friends and we had a ceremony of handing youthpasses to everyone. Most of us
stayed awake till the morning, talking and dancing, because it was so hard to
say goodbye...